Adventures in Prolo Therapy Continues Part 2
I recently had my sixth series of prolo therapy injections and thought it was time to provide and update. One of the reasons I hadn’t written earlier was because during this time, a myriad of events have occurred with my son who, it turns out, has severe osteo arthritis in his ankle. He’s had pain
- Published in Carol's Corner

Cuboid Syndrome
Recently I had the great displeasure of creating two stress fractures in my left foot which were quite painful. But what really took my breath away was the dislocation of my cuboid bone. Having gone to the podiatrist, I learned quite a lot about this injury and thought I’d share what I’d found with you.
- Published in Carol's Corner

What to look for and how to interview doctors: A followup on the self advocacy article
Hello everyone, My last newsletter to you all included an article regarding self advocacy and it created quite a buzz around here. I had numerous requests about how to go about how finding a good doctor, how to interview a doctor, what to do when you feel you are not getting the best possible care, how
- Published in Carol's Corner

Is Feeling Good a Myth?
I was reading one of my gazillion magazine articles the other day and came across the following quote: “The body is continuously poised to resolve afflictions and all of the physiological and emotional imbalances they create.” James Oschman, PhD. This isn’t new material for me. In fact, it is the cornerstone of my belief system
- Published in Carol's Corner

Self Advocacy for your health…the article that caused a buzz
When I started my practice a million years ago, I knew I wanted to help people create optimal health and to do that I also had to empower them to make their own choices. It’s a tough act but I’m committed to it because I believe if you aren’t your own advocate you will rely
- Published in Carol's Corner
Blog musings
Ollie’s Area
Carol always says she thinks I can talk and I d... -
Adventures in Prolo Therapy Continues Part 2
I recently had my sixth series of prolo therapy... -
5 Reasons High Fructose Corn Syrup Will Kill You by Dr. Mark Hyman
Cuboid Syndrome
Recently I had the great displeasure of creatin...
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VIEW ALL -- 30 June 2011 by Carol, in Carol's Corner
Adventures in Prolo Therapy Continues Part 2
I recently had my sixth series of prolo therapy injections and thought it was ti...READ MORE + - 25 May 2011 by Carol, in Carol's Corner
Cuboid Syndrome
Recently I had the great displeasure of creating two stress fractures in my left...READ MORE + - 10 October 2010 by Carol, in Carol's Corner
What to look for and how to interview doctors: A followup on the self advocacy article
Hello everyone, My last newsletter to you all included an article regarding self...READ MORE +