Aston Massage
Aston Patterning is a system of individualized bodywork, movement education, and ergonomic coaching. The bodywork includes Aston massage, myokinetics, and arthrokinetics. The massage is a specialized form based on Swedish massage, utilizing a three-dimensional touch that helps to release functional holding patterns from surface to bone. While I am not certified in Aston Patternerning, I have taken several classes and study regularly with a local practitioner/instructor Mark Barber. I can provide Aston massage as well as myofascial release within the Aston paradigm.
Aston Massage: Benefits
Aston Massage can help your body achieve better performance and become more functional. It can also help speed your recovery time after suffering an injury or the effects of repetitive movements.
Aston Massage: Why It Works
Aston Massage includes specific structural integration techniques to relieve pain and tension as well as improve functional movement. The massage addresses issues three dimensionally to reduce adhesions and restore movement throughout the body. Carol Bilich has taken several classes from and studies regularly with Austin practitioner/instructor Mark Barber. Carol can provide Aston Massage as well as myofascial release within the Aston paradigm.
Aston Massage: History
Aston Patterning was developed in 1977 by Judith Aston. A dancer with a Bachelors and a Masters degree from UCLA, Aston began her work at Long Beach City College, training dancers, athletes and actors. Aston sees the human body as a three-dimensional structure, and has applied this perspective to her method. Some of her early work included creating movement education programs for a community college, theater groups, dancers and athletes. Then in 1968, she was asked by Dr. Ida Rolf (the creator of Rolfing) to create the very first movement program for the Rolfing foundation. Through her work she discovered she could see specific body patterns in relationship to the earth. With her new knowledge and discerning eye she then developed new paradigms and a curriculum of education for movement and posture around those patterns of understanding.
Jack MorrisonLCSW
The sessions I have had with Carol Bilich have not only helped my body heal quickly but also have increased my overall energy. She is truly, a rare talent. Carol is able to combine a high degree of intelligence, skill, compassion, and intuition to give each of her clients the support they need. I am deeply appreciative of the work she has done for me.
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